Haunts come in a variety of manifestations and are usually filed away into two main categories: intelligent and residual. The latter being defined as a paranormal event that is merely an energy imprint left behind by someone. These usually come in the form of apparitions that appear in specific locations, often performing the same acts, even sometimes happening at the same times. This category is highly favored by parapsychologists as many believe that most acts deemed supernatural or paranormal are caused somehow by the manipulation of existing energy. The idea of intelligent haunts is not as widely accepted by those who consider themselves rational in modern society. These haunts are spirits of the deceased that can interact with the living by touching, talking, or moving things in real time. People have even reported manifestations that have appeared and spoken with them.
Through our study of ghost-lore and places that are alleged to be haunted, we have found the most common haunts seem residual, but there have been those that have responded to questions asked, and moved things when asked. These would be classified as intelligent. But, a skeptic would say other wise. Logically speaking, if you cannot prove it, then it is not to be believed.
Through our research, it seems that sensory haunts and redundant apparitions come most often. Inexplicable smells and cold spots appearing out of nowhere are among the top experiences, alongside mysterious footsteps and lights flickering on and off. Doors opening and closing on their own seems to happen a lot, as well as eerie lights emanating from places no lights should be. We have also been told of various instances where sounds such as loud bangs, crashes, and broken glass occur but nothing is found to be destroyed upon investigation.
But, in the realm of intelligent haunts, poltergeists seem to be the most observed. When paranormal activity really heats up, people can get pinched and slapped, stuff moves from place-to-place without anyone knowing why, and faint images of the deceased visit people and tell them things. Sometimes it seems these spirits are looking for someone or something, trying to resolve unfinished business.
Depending on where you stand when it comes to the paranormal, some of these theories might help you understand strange occurrences in your life. Others believe there are logical explanations for everything that happens. Of course, many acts can truly be debunked by a house being old, electric being bad, the wind, imagination, and other tricks of the mind. But, some cannot, and they are the occurrences that keep people like us wondering.
Besides, who's to say that one day a haunting won't be the logical explanation? Maybe someone will have a breakthrough and capture hardcore, irrefutable evidence of an afterlife, and spirits still existing there and being able to make contact with us. It might happen.
For more interesting stuff about haunts, check out our page at https://www.facebook.com/LouisvilleGhosts/.
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